Gilbert High School
1101 E. Elliot Rd.
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Phone: 480-545-2544
Administration Fax: 480-497-5673
Records Fax: 480-632-4799
Twitter - @GilbertHSTigers


Gilbert FFA Alumni is a 501c-3 organization  EIN 90-0339454  making your support tax deductible. **
** Always obtain tax advice from the IRS.

Mail Correspondence to: Gilbert FFA Alumni  PO Box 395 Gilbert AZ 85299

Mail Packages to: Gilbert FFA Alumni 137 E Elliot Rd # 395 Gilbert AZ 85234 

Download our operating budget here

Bylaws- Current                                                                                                                                                                                    Operating Procedures

   Secretary - mandy stewart

Stationed by the ear of corn, to keep a record of all meetings and correspond with other secretaries wherever corn is grown and FFA members meet.

   Vice President - Avery Mason

Stationed by the plow, the symbol of labor and

tillage of the soil. Overseeing all chapter development.

   Vice PResident at Large- Lux Vander Bosch

Stationed by the plow, the symbol of labor and tillage of the soil. Overseeing all of student development.

   President - Sophia Rodriguez

Stationed by the rising sun for a token of a new era.

   Vice President at Large- Anissa Lovin

Stationed by the plow, the symbol of labor and tillage of the soil. Overseeing all of the community development.

   Treasurer - Dane Richards

    Stationed by emblem of Washington, to keep an accurate

account of receipts and disbursements. 

  Reporter - Kenzie Muston

Stationed by the Flag, which covers the United States of America.

  Sentinel- mia conti 

   Stationed by the door, to make sure the door is open to all

and keep the room comfortable as well as assisting in maintaining order.